Dattatreya vajra kavacham
Dattatreya vajra kavacham

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The Conclusion of the Tantra Chapter Four: Application of the Algorithm to the Vajra Rosary…………………………………………………………….337-392 A. The Forty-Nine and the Six Yogas of the Creation Stage and the Twenty Rituals Z. The Five Stages and (Two Systems of) Six Yogas of the Perfection Stage Y. Birth and Death From the Subtle Body Perspective S. The Three Drops, Three Nose Tips and Three Main Channels Q. The Yoga of Vajra Repetition and Opening the Heart Knot O. Great Bliss and Its Relation to Emptiness N. Emptiness in the Vajra Rosary Yogic System M. Engagement of the Senses in the Tantric Way L. The Taxonomy of the Energy-Winds and Conceptualities J. The Four Ecstasies and the Four Instants H. The Meaning of “Vajra Rosary” and “Secret Community” D. The Setting and The Eighty-Two Questions B. Zhi ba ‘od as “Neo-con”? Chapter Three: The Teachings of the Vajra Rosary, As Interpreted By Ala!kakala"a.…………………………………197-336 A. The Vajra Rosary as an Evolving “Text” 4. Were the Five Stages Added Later, to Validate the Noble Tradition? Matsunaga’s Theory 3. Was It an Indian Text or a “Gray” Text? 2. Ala"kakala!a, Stengs pa lo ts# ba, and the Commentary C. Overview of the “Second Diffusion” of Buddhism in Tibet 3. Background: Tantra, Monasteries and State Power in India and Tibet 2. Who Taught Tantra? Tradition, Received Wisdom, and the State of the Historical Record B. Application of the Algorithm – Third Level: Reflection and Further Discussion Chapter Two: The Background and Origin of the Vajra RosaryĪ. Application of the Algorithm - Second Level: Identifying Multiple Meanings 5. Application of the Algorithm - First Level: Finding the “Main Meaning” 4. The Algorithm Plain Meaning Intellectual History / Authorial Intent The Model Reader As Interpreted by Commentary/Discourse Function Power RelationsĬritical Reader Bias 3. Groundwork Should There Be Method At All? Must Method Be Justified By Theory? 2. Towards A Solution: Algorithm Alternatives Dialogue Reflection 1. Are “Religious” and Social Experience Commensurable? D. How Do We Determine Which Views Are “Right”? 5. Addressing Bias: Research Methods and the Case Study c. Are Incompatible Views Reconcilable? Information and Bias a. Are Differing Interpretations Compatible? 2.

#Dattatreya vajra kavacham how to

Who Is Right? How to Approach the Irreconcilable 1. “Ours”: Western Legal Hermeneutics and the Methodology of Emilio Betti C. Conflicting and Evolving Western Interpretation of Buddhist Tantra 3. “Theirs”: Buddhist and Tantric Hermeneutics in the Indo-Tibetan Tradition 2. The Problem: Polarized Interpretations of Tantra B.

#Dattatreya vajra kavacham full

This essay, accompanied by the first full English translation of the Vajram!l! or Vajra Rosary, one of the explanatory Tantras of the Buddhist Guhyasam!ja, or Secret Community, Tantric system, and a partial translation of Ala!kakala"a’s Commentary, sets out a novel hermeneutic method by which twenty-first century scholars of religion might approach the interpretation of the Tantra and other texts. Kittay All Rights ReservedĪBSTRACT Interpreting the Vajra Rosary: Truth and Method Meets Wisdom and Method David R. ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkws P.O. This edition of the work is protected a unauthorized copyng under Title 17, United States C UMI 346579' Copyright 2011 by ProQuest L All rghts reserved. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In the Graduate School of Arts and SciencesĪll rghts reserve INFORMATION TO ALL USER The qualty of this reproduction is dependent on the quality of the copy su In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete man and there are missing pages, these will be noted, Also, if material had to be a note will indicate the deleti Interpreting the Vajra Rosary: Truth and Method Meets Wisdom and Method

Dattatreya vajra kavacham